~ a few favorites ~
LuRee Photographie ~my favorite hobby....readymade ~home, food, design, fashion, culture, craft, ReadyMade
ravelry ~knitting and crochet online community.
dirty GOURMET ~an outdoor foodie website, easy camping and backpacking recipes and ideas.
npr.org ~best radio station ever, of course not the mainstream, but thats why it's good
WSJ Life & Culture ~the paper that feeds my addiction....
Arcosanti: An Urban Laboratory? ~Arcology Theory & Architecture of Paolo Soleri
Due to recent events, the crashing of my hardrive and being without a computer for a few weeks, I have begun reading a lot more to occupy my time. I have also used this event to reason with myself that I should not forget how much I enjoy reading and should continue to do it liberally.
~For All the Tea in China: How England Stole the World's Favorite Drink and Changed History (Sarah Rose)
~The Olive Farm: A Memoir of Life, Love, and Olive Oil in the South of France (Carol Drinkwater)
~The Olive Farm: A Memoir of Life, Love, and Olive Oil in the South of France (Carol Drinkwater)
~Beyond the Wall (Edward Abbey)
~Grandes Horizontales: The Lives and Legends of Four Nineteenth-Century Courtesans (Virginia Rounding)
~The Sharper Your Knife, the Less You Cry: Love, Laughter, and Tears in Paris at the World's Most Famous Cooking School (Kathleen Flinn)
~Everyday Drinking (Kingsley Amis)
~Arcosanti: An Urban Laboratory? (Paolo Soleri)
~Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel (Rolf Potts)
~What Makes A Masterpiece: Artists, Writers and Curators on the World's Greatest Works of Art
~Everyday Drinking (Kingsley Amis)
~Arcosanti: An Urban Laboratory? (Paolo Soleri)
~Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel (Rolf Potts)
~What Makes A Masterpiece: Artists, Writers and Curators on the World's Greatest Works of Art